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Mental Illness can affect anyone regardless of socioeconomic status, age, ethnicity, culture, religion and gender. To be consider....

Most often than not, teenagers talk to friends more than they talk to their mom and dad. That's natural. Even if you have a great relationship with your parents, you want to make your own choices and find your own path                          ....

One of the most effective ways of showing support is by listening. Simple as it may sound, this will offer your child some comfort and make them feel less isolated in this. But remember that not all children will be as open as to go to their pa....

Child and adolescent mental health is necessary for the healthy development of a society. Initiatives and coordinated effort should be made to address the core problems at their origin and provide programmatic support for the youth who are unab....

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, people do not often talk about their mental illnesses, unless you ask and they tell you directly. This is because mental illness is an invisible disorder, unlike a broken arm or being confined to a wheelc....

Mental health refers to a person's ability to utilize his or her potential to effectively deal with day-to-day challenges of life, work productively, and contribute to the good of the community. A basic premise of good mental health is maintain....

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